Dr. Chong Qi's ResearcherID

Research Interests

  • Large scale nuclear shell-model diagonalization and computational techniques
  • Nuclear force and the construction of effective force from the underlying nucleon-nucleon interaction
  • Structure of atomic nuclei
  • Alpha and cluster decay properties of heavy nuclei
  • Continuum effects in nuclei
  • Close collaborators

    Roberto J. Liotta (Professor, KTH, Stockholm), 2008-present
    Ramon A. Wyss (Professor, KTH, Stockholm), 2008-present
    Furong Xu (Professor, PKU, Beijing), 2004-present

    Cenxi Yuan (Ph.D. Student, PKU&University of Toyko), 2007-present
    Xiaobao Wang (Ph.D. Student, PKU) , 2008-present
    Zhijun Bai (Ph.D. Student, PKU) , 2009-present
    Zhenxiang Xu (Ph.D. Student, KTH), 2009-present
    Si-min Wang (Ph.D. Student, PKU) , 2009-present

    Former collaborators

    Only those with whom I have papers published are listed
    Ren-Zhong Du & Yang Gao (Undergraduate Students, PKU), 2007-2009
    Ming-Yi Zhang, C. Asawatangtrakuldee & Di Hu (Undergraduate Students, PKU), 2008-2009
    Chen Xu (Undergraduate Student, PKU), 2009-2010


  • Aug., 2011 - Dec., 2011, Postdoctoral researcher, KTH, Stockholm
  • Jan., 2010 - July, 2011, Swedish Research Council postdoctoral position, KTH, Stockholm
  • July, 2009 - Dec., 2009, Postdoctoral Fellow, KTH, Stockholm
  • Visiting experiences

  • July 2010 – Aug. 2010, Departments of physics at Peking University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
  • January, 2009 - February, 2009, KTH, Stockholm
  • March, 2008 - June, 2008, KTH, Stockholm
  • Scientific computing

  • In 2006, Chong finished a shell-model code that can carry out very large-scale diagonalizations of effective shell-model Hamiltonians. The code is written in the modern Fortran 90 format. It works in the proton/neutron space and embeds an angular momentum projection procedure similar to that of the famous OXBASH code. Parallel computing is realized with the help of the MPI paradigm. The code works efficiently on the HP Beowulf cluster of the PKU computer center.
  • In 2008, Chong wrote a coupled-channel code with the help of Professor Liotta during my visit to KTH.
  • Ph.D. Dissertation

    Major: Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics
    Title: Shell-model studies with the CD-Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential (written in Chinese)
    Advisor: Professor Furong Xu (PKU, Beijing)
    Ph.D. Defense: June 9, 2009
    Ph.D. Hooding Ceremony: July 8, 2009

    Large-scale shell-model diagonalization codes

    Shell model code OXBASH
    Shell model code ANTOINE
    Drexel University Shell-Model Code
    The nuclear shell model code CRUNCHER
    Shell-model code EICODE
    Shell-model code NuShell