Dr. Chong Qi's ResearcherID
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Selected Recent Publications (2008 to Present)

"Transition probabilities near Sn-100 and the stability of the N, Z=50 shell closure"
T. Bäck, C. Qi, B. Cederwall et al.
Phys. Rev. C 87, 031306 (2013).

"Isomer-tagged differential-plunger measurements in Xe-113(54)"
M.G. Procter, D.M. Cullen, M.J. Talor et al. .
Phys. Rev. C 87, 014308 (2012).

"A monopole-optimized effective interaction for tin isotopes"
C. Qi*, Z.X. Xu
Phys. Rev. C 86, 044323 (2012).

"Double binding energy differences: Mean-field or pairing effect?"
C. Qi*.
Phys. Lett. B 717, 436 (2012).

"Electromagnetic transition strengths in 109Te"
M. G. Procter, D. M. Cullen, C. Scholey, P. Ruotsalainen, L. Angus, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, A. Dewald, C. Fransen, T. Grahn, P.T. Greenlees, M. Hackstein, U. Jakobsson, P. M. Jones, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, S. Ketelhut, M. Leino, R. Liotta, N. M. Lumley, P. J. R. Mason, P. Nieminen, M. Nyman, J. Pakarinen, T. Pissulla, P. Peura, P. Rahkila, J. Revill, S.V. Rigby, W. Rother, M. Sandzelius, J. Sarén, J. Sorri, M.J. Taylor, J. Uusitalo, P. Wady, C. Qi, F.R. Xu
Phys. Rev. C 86, 034308 (2012).

"Analytic proof of partial conservation of seniority in j=9/2 shells"
C. Qi*, Z.X. Xu, R.J. Liotta.
Nucl. Phys. A 884–885, 21 (2012).

"Shell evolution in neutron-rich carbon isotopes: Unexpected enhanced role of neutron–neutron correlation"
C.X. Yuan, C. Qi*, F.R. Xu
Nucl. Phys. A 883, 25 (2012).

"Effects of formation properties in one-proton radioactivity"
C. Qi*, D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss.
Phys. Rev. C 85, 011303 (2012).

"Multistep shell model description of spin-aligned neutron-proton pair coupling"
Z.X. Xu, C. Qi*, J. Blomqvist, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss
Nucl. Phys. A 877, 51 (2012).

"High-spin study of 162Ta"
F. Ghazi Moradi, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, M. Sandzelius, A. Atac, A. Johnson, C. Qi, R. Liotta, B. Hadinia, K. Andgren, A. Khaplanov, R. Wyss, S. Eeckhaudt, T. Grahn, P. T. Greenlees, P. M. Jones, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, S. Ketelhut, M. Leino, M. Nyman, P. Rahkila, J. Sarén, C. Scholey, J. Sorri, J. Uusitalo, E. Ganioğlu, J. Thomson, D. T. Joss, R. D. Page, S. Ertürk, J. Simpson, M. B. Gomez Hornillos, and L. Bianco
Phys. Rev. C 84, 064312 (2011).

"Lifetime measurement of the first excited 2+ state in 108Te"
T. Bäck, C. Qi, F. Ghazi Moradi, B. Cederwall, A. Johnson, R. Liotta, R. Wyss, H. Al-Azri, D. Bloor, T. Brock, R. Wadsworth, T. Grahn, P. T. Greenlees, K. Hauschild, A. Herzan, U. Jacobsson, P. M. Jones, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, S. Ketelhut, M. Leino, A. Lopez-Martens, P. Nieminen, P. Peura, P. Rahkila, S. Rinta-Antila, P. Ruotsalainen, M. Sandzelius, J. Sarén, C. Scholey, J. Sorri, J. Uusitalo, S. Go, E. Ideguchi, D. M. Cullen, M. G. Procter, T. Braunroth, A. Dewald, C. Fransen, M. Hackstein, J. Litzinger, and W. Rother.
Phys. Rev. C 84, 041306(R) (2011).

"Anomalous transition strength in the proton-unbound nucleus 109I"
M.G. Procter, D.M. Cullen, C. Scholey, P. Ruotsalainen, L. Angus, T. Bäck, B. Cederwall, A. Dewald, C. Fransen, T. Grahn, P. Greenlees, M. Hackstein, U. Jakobsson, P. M. Jones, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, S. Ketelhut, M. Leino, R. Liotta, N.M. Lumley, P.J. R. Mason, P. Nieminen, M. Nyman, J. Pakarinen, T. Pissulla, P. Peura, P. Rahkila, J. Revill, S. V. Rigby, W. Rother, M. Sandzelius, J. Saren, J. Sorri, M.J. Taylor, J. Uusitalo, P. Wady, C. Qi, F.R. Xu.
Phys. Lett. B 704, 118 (2011).

"Isovector channel of the quark-meson-coupling model and its influence on the symmetry energy"
X.B. Wang, C. Qi, F.R. Xu.
Nucl. Phys. A 865, 57 (2011).

"Spin-aligned neutron-proton pair mode in atomic nuclei"
C. Qi, J. Blomqvist, T. Back, B. Cederwall, A. Johnson, R. Liotta, R. Wyss.
Phys. Rev. C 84, 021301(R) (2011).

"Analysis of the unbound spectrum of 12Li"
Z.X. Xu, R.J. Liotta, C. Qi*, T. Roger, P. Roussel-Chomaz, H. Savajols, R. Wyss.
Nucl. Phys. A 850, 53-68 (2011).

"Partial conservation of seniority in j = 9/2 shell: Analytic and numerical studies"
C. Qi.
Phys. Rev. C 83, 014307 (2011).

"Evidence for a spin-aligned neutron-proton paired phase from the level structure of 92Pd"
B. Cederwall, F. Ghazi Moradi, T. Back, A. Johnson, J. Blomqvist, E. Clement, G. de France, R. Wadsworth, K. Andgren, K. Lagergren, A. Dijon, G. Jaworski, R. Liotta, C. Qi, B.M. Nyako, J. Nyberg, M. Palacz, H. Al-Azri, G. de Angelis, A. Atac, S. Bhattacharyya, T. Brock, J .R. Brown, P. Davies, A. Di Nitto, Zs. Dombradi, A. Gadea, J. Gal, B. Hadinia, F. Johnston-Theasby, P. Joshi, K. Juhasz, R. Julin, A. Jungclaus, G. Kalinka, S.O. Kara, A. Khaplanov, J. Kownacki, G. La Rana, S. M. Lenzi, J. Molnar, R. Moro, D. R. Napoli, B. S. Nara Singh, A. Persson, F. Recchia, M. Sandzelius, J.-N. Scheurer, G. Sletten, D. Sohler, P.-A. Soderstrom, M. J. Taylor, J. Timar, J. J. Valiente-Dobon, E. Vardaci, and S. Williams.
Nature 469, 68-71 (2011).

"Alternate proof of the Rowe-Rosensteel proposition and seniority conservation"
C. Qi, X.B. Wang, Z.X. Xu, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, and F.R. Xu.
Phys. Rev. C 82, 014304 (2010).

"Abrupt changes in alpha decay systematics as a manifestation of collective nuclear modes"
C. Qi, A.N. Andreyev, M. Huyse, R.J. Liotta, P. Van Duppen, and R.A. Wyss.
Phys. Rev. C 81, 064319 (2010).

"Molecular structure of highly-excited resonant states in 24Mg and the corresponding 8Be+16O and 12C+12C decays"
C. Xu, C. Qi*, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss,S.M. Wang, F.R. Xu, and D.X. Jiang.
Phys. Rev. C 81, 054319 (2010).

"Energy expressions for n=3 and 4 systems in a single-j shell"
C. Qi.
Phys. Rev. C 81, 034318 (2010).

"Microscopic mechanism of charged-particle radioactivity and generalization of the Geiger-Nuttall law"
C. Qi, F. R. Xu, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, M.Y. Zhang, C. Asawatangtrakuldee, and D. Hu.
Phys. Rev. C 80, 044326 (2009) .

"Universal decay law in charged-particle emission and exotic cluster radioactivity"
C. Qi, F.R. Xu, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 072501 (2009).

"Isospin asymmetry effects in mirror nuclei with modern charge dependent NN potential"
C. Qi, F.R. Xu.
Nucl. Phys. A 814, 48-65 (2008).

"Shell-model study of spectroscopies and isospin structures in odd-odd N=Z nuclei employing realistic NN interaction"
C. Qi, F.R. Xu.
Nucl. Phys. A 800, 47-62 (2008).