The first lecture will be given at 15:00-17:00, 16th April in room FA31, Albanova University center. The schedule and location of following lectures will be decided together with the students during the 1st section.Please use the following voting system to choose the time that fit you.
Main contents
- Nuclear force and second quantization
- Fundamental coupling schemes
- Basic excitations in atomic nuclei and collectivity
- Nuclear deformation
- Magnetic resonances and medical applications
- Normal product and the Wick theorem
- Tamm-Dankoff & Random Phase Approximations
- Nuclear shell model, seniority and computation
- Fission, fusion and nuclear energy
- Nuclear astrophysics and nucleosynthesis
Learning outcome
- The capability to understand the structures and decays of atomic nuclei from a microscopic perspective and to perform basic calculations and independent studies
- Basic knowledge in Quantum Physics
Chong Qi
Roberto Liotta